
根据众议院88号法案中的3033号th 德州议会, the College has designated the below-listed dates as non-business days for Public Information (打开记录) requests for the 2024-2025 学术 year. 

  • 2024年12月23日、27日、30日和31日
  • 2025年3月17日至21日

请注意, these dates are in addition to the other non-business days as described in House Bill 3033. 具体来说,德州政府代码552.031 defines a business day as any day other than Saturday or Sunday; a national holiday; or a state holiday, 包括政府机构规定的自选假日. 的 Friday before or the Monday after a state or national holiday is also not a business day if the governmental body observes the holiday on that Friday or Monday.


Texas 政府法典,第552章, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. 所有政府信息都被认为是公众可以获得的. 某些例外情况可能适用于信息披露. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, 要么宪法, 法定, 或者通过司法裁决, 或未寻求例外披露的信息. 了解更多关于德克萨斯州公共信息法或请求者权利的信息, 你不妨参考一下 司法部长公共信息手册.




  • 迅速获取非保密或不受其他保护的信息;
  • 获得与所有其他请求者同等的待遇, including accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements;
  • 毫无例外地接收某些类型的信息, 比如公职人员的投票记录, 以及其他信息;
  • 收到一份预估费用的书面分项说明, 当收费超过40美元时, in advance of work being started and opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement;
  • 选择是否检查所请求的信息(通常是免费的), 接收信息的副本或两者兼有;
  • A waiver or reduction of charges if the governmental body determines that access to the information primarily benefits the general public;
  • Receive a copy of the communication from the governmental body asking the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the information can be withheld under one of the accepted exceptions, 或者通信是否披露了所请求的信息, 删节版;
  • Lodge a written complaint about overcharges for public information with the General Services Commission. Complaints of other possible violations may be filed with the county or district attorney of the county where the governmental body, 除了一个国家机构, 位于. 如果投诉是针对县或地区检察官, 投诉必须提交给总检察长办公室.


 All governmental bodies responding to information requests have the responsibility to:

  • Establish reasonable procedures for inspecting or copying public information and inform requestors of these procedures;
  • Treat all requestors uniformly and shall give to the requestor all reasonable comfort and facility, 包括符合《十大靠谱赌博平台》规定的住宿;
  • Be informed about open records laws and educate employees on the requirements of those laws;
  • Inform requestors of the estimated charges greater than $40 and any changes in the estimates above 20 percent of the original estimate, 并确认请求者接受费用, 或者修改了请求, 在最后确定请求之前以书面形式;
  • Inform the requestor if the information cannot be provided promptly and set a date and time to provide it within a reasonable time;
  • Request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding any information the governmental body wishes to withhold, 并寄一份裁决请求的副本, 或者是一份修改过的副本, 致请求人;
  • Segregate public information from information that may be withheld and provide that public information promptly;
  • Make a good faith attempt to inform third parties when their proprietary information is being requested from the governmental body;
  • Respond in writing to all written communications from the General Services Commission regarding charges for the information. Respond to the Office of the Attorney General regarding complaints about violations of the Act.


Austin 社区 College is considered a “governmental body” and is subject to the 德克萨斯州公共信息法. 该法案规定公众有权访问学院的公开记录.


司法部长办公室公开记录科(OAG) 履行中规定的任务 政府法典,第552章, A分章,第552条.009; Subchapter D, Section 552.205; and Subchapter F, Sections 552.261至552.274. In general, if the number of copies in your request is less than 50 pages, the charge will be $0.10 per page; if the number of copies is more than 50 pages, the charge will be $0.10 per page plus personnel costs necessary to compile the documents, in addition to the postage.


如果满足您的要求的费用超过40美元, we will provide you with an itemized written estimate of the charges and indicate if a less costly alternative is available. You must respond in writing within 10 days after the estimate is sent that you will accept the costs, 或者你想要其他的选择, 否则你的请求将被视为撤回.

如果估计费用超过100美元, 在提供信息之前,学院可能会要求预付押金.

You may ask the college to determine whether providing the information primarily benefits the general public, 免除或减少费用的.


All requests must be written and should be emailed or mailed to the office listed below. 您也可以使用本页提供的表格以电子方式提交申请. 一旦收到您的表格或请求,我们将发送确认收据.

书院关系处 & 市场营销

Please include the following information in your request to ensure you receive the information you want:

  • 姓名及通讯地址
  • 电话号码和电子邮件地址
  • 你想要的信息的列表或描述——要具体
  • 说明您是否需要访问信息或获取信息的副本



Some of the information maintained by Austin 社区 College may not be considered public, 例如:

  • 学生信息/记录;
  • 医疗信息/记录;
  • 驾驶执照和机动车信息;
  • 律师-当事人保密通信;
  • 律师工作成果;
  • 法律规定保密的文件;
  • 声称由第三方拥有的文件(商业机密资料).

在雇佣, employees have the opportunity to designate some information as confidential and it will not be released to the public including an employee’s home
地址家庭电话号码, 紧急联系方式, 或者社会安全号码, 或者显示该人是否有家庭成员的信息.

如果您想查看或获取上面列出的非公开信息的副本, it will be necessary for the College to request an Attorney General’s opinion about this information. 的 Attorney General’s office has about 12 weeks to make a decision on whether the information is public or not public.


  • 收到ORR后,学院关系办公室 & 市场营销(OCRM)为请求分配一个提交号. 此数字用于跟踪请求的进度.
  • 一旦请求被分配了一个号码, ocm联系相应的学院办公室或部门来处理请求. 
  • Departments that receive ORRs from OCRM must respond in a timely manner and provide their response to OCRM for immediate follow-up. 
  • OCRM will then apply any charges associated with processing the request if applicable and will notify the requester that the ORR is complete and ready to be reviewed or retrieved.
  • 如需支付额外费用,请使用 ACC市场.
  • 所有与orr相关的信息交换都是通过ocm完成的. 一旦交易完成,ORR将被标记为“关闭”.”
